Wednesday, January 26, 2011

North Dakota Water Contaminated with Fracking Fluid

Now at this present time the clever lawmakers in North Dakota are doing everything they can to protect the Oil Companies working within the State.  They have gone out of their way to create laws to allow them to destroy our natural resources legally. I would like to see our Lawmakers, take oath, put their hand on a bible and state they are not aware of contamination by fracking in the State of North Dakota. Last I checked it was the job of the State to first and fore most protect the welfare of the citizens of the State. Now I do believe welfare would include clean air and water being top on the list. But in the State of North Dakota it is the welfare of out of state Oil Companies and tax dollars that over rule human life, they furiously try to pass laws before it becomes common knowledge to the public that our water and air is contaminated.  Now I doubt that any North Dakota State official will admit to anyone that the water in North Dakota has already been contaminated with fracking fluid, but black and white facts prove IT IS.  Each day more private water wells and natural waterways are showing large amounts of inorganic compounds that just happen to be used in fracking, what a surprise. Why wouldn't it happen in North Dakota, it has happened in every other State that fracking takes place. Because our North Dakota Lawmakers have a handle on it!  And they actually think that we are stupid enough to believe this. Facts about fracking fluid in water:  it takes only 1% of fracking fluid in water to be deadly. Between 3,840,000 to 26,880,000 gallons of fracking chemicals to be used in one square mile — hardly a minor amount.  Of the chemicals identified by DEP as being used in fracking fluid, 34 are soluble, allowing them to move into surface and underground water. These include chemicals that cause cancer and disorders of the brain and nervous system, blood, and the immune system.  Twenty-one chemicals are readily airborne, including nine that cause reproductive problems and six known carcinogens. All the known airborne chemicals can harm the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract or liver — problems frequently reported near fracking wells across the U.S.  This is not only affecting human lives across the State but also our livestock, wildlife, animals and agriculture.  Represented on the Great Seal of North Dakota are all of the mentioned, perhaps our Lawmakers should take a look at this, as they have completely turned their backs on the welfare of the agriculture community.  They are allowing contamination of air, water and soil, three things that we will not live long without.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

House Bill 1287 Open Season on Anything that BREATHES

In a previous blogg I gave information about North Dakota not abiding by the Clean Air Act and the EPA stating that no more, it is time that they start following rules. This was posted on December 8, titled Clean up Your Act North Dakota. Now the State of North Dakota's answer to this is to make a new law that protects them from the EPA and doing what they say. House Bill 1287 - Environmental protection agency rule approval required.
Rules adopted by the environmental protection agency are null and void and of no force
and effect in this state without the approval of the state agency with subject matter jurisdiction in
the area governed by the rule. The environmental protection agency may not conduct visitations
or inspections in this state without the prior approval and permission of the state agency with
subject matter jurisdiction of the subject matter of the visitation or inspection.

This will only give the State of North legal authority to commit murder. The EPA MUST have the right to oversee the welfare of the people. Air quality is one of the most important issues on health conditions within the State of North Dakota at this time. The North Dakota State Health Department has already refused to monitor air quality and this would allow them to continue this practice. I am living proof that air quality is the source of extreme health conditions and also death of livestock, wildlife  and animals.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Quality of Life

I just finished reading the State of the State Address by our new Gov Jack Dalrymple. The things you do when  the air is so bad you can't sleep. He addresses the Quality of Life in North Dakota, his words Our efforts in economic development and education are producing a quality of life in North Dakota that is improving every year.  But we must work hard to protect and preserve that quality of life against all challenges. It is evident he has not visited Frackville ND lately. We in this community have NO quality of life. I guess quality of life is rated by the amount of tax revenue the state is collecting on oil and how good the State Officials look because of the figures. We are forced to drive on unsafe roads, breath toxic polluted air, and have no rights to protect our private property from damage. In the fight to survive from day to day, we have forgotten what quality of life is. Just a speech, no one really believes any of this anyway. Did anyone other than myself notice the contributions to John Hoeven the past campaign. If you didn't, here is the info:
Hess Corp$21,600
Murray Energy$20,789
Berkshire Hathaway$18,000
Xcel Energy$18,000
FPL Group$17,900
Haley's PAC$15,000
State of North Dakota$14,800
Marvin Windows$14,600
Scheels All Sports$14,600
Marathon Oil$14,400
TRT Holdings$14,400
Travelers Companies$13,500
Missouri Basin Well Service$12,500
Devon Energy$12,300
Nacco Industries$11,000
Trust Co of the West$10,600

It is apparent where the influence within the State of North Dakota is from these figures, and how decisions are made for our welfare. A recent article on the front page of  the Williston Herald
Some area officials would like a more controlled pace. Williams County Commission Chairman Dan Kalil said county officials would like the state Industrial Commission to show more restraint in permitting wells.

"We need to be communicating with the Industrial Commission that we can't handle the pace. We don't have the housing, we don't have the infrastructure and we don't have the road system to handle it," said Kalil.
Lynn Helms, director of the Department of Mineral Resources, has recently been saying he expects approximately 2,000 new wells will be drilled this year.Regardless of the concerns, the new wells are likely to be in the 2,000 range. Helms recently told the Bismarck Tribune that there are already 870 permits ready for this year. He added that 10 to 20 new applications are coming in to his department each week.
 Is this responsible government leadership? A county has very important concerns about the fast paced development and impacts, the safety of the residents and the State of ND says TOO BAD! I guess if you live in Bismarck it won't affect you, and you don't care as long as the money is coming in and you look good.
Have to keep those contributors happy, there will be another campaign in a few more years. Quality of Life!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How To Trash a Township in Twelve Months

I am driving down the road and see a speed limit sign that says 55 MPH, in a hurry I drive 75MPH but that is okay, because when I get home I get on the internet and report to the ND State Highway Dept that I have violated the law. NOT going to happen, laws are made for reasons. But yet this is the system that our North Dakota Government is using to regulate the Oil and Gas Industry. Did anyone really think this would work? I guess our Congress did. Even when violators are found, nothing is done to them, the damage has been done, but no revenue from fines or violations are collected. These are TAX DOLLARS that are owed to the residents of North Dakota, god knows we pay our fair share of taxes.  Now it is these tax dollars that are PAYING someone to alloy this damage to our state. The damage it takes ONE company to do to our natural resources in ONE day will take mother nature NINE YEARS TO REPAIR, now I say mother nature because our ND State Health Dept or ND Oil and Gas are NOT doing anything to prevent, repair or planning for the future welfare of the State. We read endless reports of how well the Oil and Gas Companies are doing in North Dakota and how much their profits are soaring, everyone is flocking to North Dakota to make MILLIONS at our expense. Our roads are trashed, the counties and townships cannot afford to maintain the  extensive damage done to them. The school systems are overloaded and we are expected to accommodate the demands of the additional population overnight. Parents expect their children to be bussed  from their front door and taken to school.  People from out of state complain that our streets are not cleaned good enough for them. People are allowed to live in campers and run their sewer on the ground. And most important we should give them a place to live because they came here to work, knowing there were not places to live. All of this at the expense of the North Dakota Taxpayer. Now when that big Oilfield Paycheck and jobs are no longer here, who will be left to pay the taxes and expenses of the clean up? You guessed it, US, the born and raised residents of the State Of North Dakota. So why then should our ND State Government allow companies to not pay for damages done to our State and NOT regulate activity in the Oil and Gas Industry? Once again the State of North Dakota has proven that their decisions in rule making is not working, much like the decision to not abide to the CLEAN AIR ACT, and make their own rules there also.