Friday, March 11, 2011

Ignorance is not Bliss

I have in the past stated that ignorance is bliss, I have now come to the conclusion that IGNORANCE IS DEADLY FOR EVERYTHING ASSOCIATED WITH IT. I have researched this subject for months, and come across many websites and bloggs  and read many comments that are left, with only one conclusion, it is definitely scary what the general public and average joe knows about oil and gas development and fracking. This industry and our local government have for too long distributed untrue propaganda to promote only their greed and ignore the safety of the population. I guess the general population is just so busy with day to day life, they do not take the time to actually educate them self on what is going on around them. The information is gotten from misinformed sources, their buddy sitting next to them at the local pub says it is safe, my dad did it for years, it has to be okay, and of course my favorite, the state would never let companies do something that wasn't safe. It is very easy to pull up articles and studies that have been done on the subject on the internet and READ, this is the way you educate yourself, and any responsible person will do exactly this. I have read comments left by people, obviously misinformed, that absolutely amaze me, here comes that word again IGNORANCE.  The Oil and Gas Industry has stated in almost every article printed that studies have proven their methods safe. In 6 months time of reading every day on this subject, I have yet to come across this information and actually read the documents that show this. If it is so safe and is proven so, why aren't these documents made readily to accessible to the public?  I have though come across hundreds of documents, scientific and case studies stating the exact opposite of what we are told. So maybe your buddy or dad is wrong, and perhaps you should educate yourself  before you open your mouth and ignorant words come out. There is that word again. From the people doing the work to the people spreading the information, ignorance is the key word. It is not that informed people do not what to see oil and gas industry, it is that we want to see it done safely, and not at the expense of our natural resources and health of the population, livestock, wildlife, animals and future generations. The average worker in the industry has no idea what they are being exposed to and are misinformed about the health risks involved. Of course this is not addressed on new employee orientation, if you knew this you wouldn't go out and bust your ass to make a million dollars for them. Too bad your son will not have their father there to watch them graduate, or see your grandchild take their first step. This brings to mind the history of the native american indian and United States beginning. Give food to the hungry and you can manipulate them to do most anything. When cancer research first started it took years to inform the public on the importance of screening and prevention. Our medical field has much to learn on the effects of environmental  health and information to the public. As with cancer, how many people will die before this happens?  Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is deadly.

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