Monday, November 22, 2010

Biocide, Disaster when abused

Biocides have been around for years in agents such as herbicides and pesticides. Us in the rural setting have been educated on the use and safety of biocides and respect them for there importance and properties. Definition of Biocide-A chemical agent that is capable of destroying living organisms. What a powerful word, Biocide, now I do not believe when this product was first marketed it was meant to be used on human lives, but it appears that this is its use in our new industries. The American farmers and ranchers have a respect for this land like no other, we were taught from a young age the importance of living in harmony with mother nature and to care and respect what she has given us, as this is how we feed out families and put clothing on their backs. Without clean air, water and soil, GAME OVER, we have no visible means of support. We do not have the luxury of employer paid insurance, holiday,sick days, and Paycheck Friday. We are strong, self sufficient people  who feed America. Without farmers and ranchers there will be no WalMart, and McDonalds, the average Joe walking down the street has no idea as to how to grow a carrot, let alone feed them self and their family. The importance of this whole point is what is happening to our natural resources with the misuse of chemicals. Arsenic is an extremely toxic metal that poses such a significant environmental health hazard that the EPA placed it at the top of the list of 200 hazardous substances targeted by the 1990 Clean Air Act in terms of carcinogenic risk. Its historical and current uses have been primarily as a biocide.   This and so many other very dangerous and deadly chemicals are in biocides and when mixed improperly with other agents equal a recipe for destruction.

Chemicals used in oil and gas development

The chemicals used to drill for and extract oil and gas have many known health effects associated with them.
 (TEDX) explores the health effects of products and chemicals used to produce oil and natural gas. These chemicals include toxic solvents, biocides, acids and others. To date, TEDX research has uncovered more than 450 chemicals used in five Western U.S. states.  More than 90% of the chemicals have potential health effects associated with exposure to them.This link to this article is included at the bottom of this page, there is so much information on this subject.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

VOC and Human Guinea Pigs

When I first started researching VOC, I thought they were quite complicated, actually not at all.


Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) – “VOCs are ground-water contaminants of concern because of very large environmental releases, human toxicity, and a tendency for some compounds to persist in and migrate with ground-water to drinking-water supply wells….In general, VOCs have high vapor pressures, low-to-medium water solubilities, and low molecular weights. Some VOCs may occur naturally in the environment, other compounds occur only as a result of manmade activities, and some compounds have both origins.” - Zogorski and others, 2006
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) – “Volatile organic compounds released into the atmosphere by anthropogenic and natural emissions which are important because of their involvement in photochemical pollution.” - Lincoln and others, 1998
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) – “Hydrocarbon compounds that have low boiling points, usually less than 100ÂșC, and therefore evaporate readily. Some are gases at room temperature. Propane, benzene, and other components of gasoline are all volatile organic compounds.” - Art, 1993
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) – “VOCs are organic compounds that can be isolated from the water phase of a sample by purging the water sample with inert gas, such as helium, and, subsequently, analyzed by gas chromatography. Many VOCs are human-made chemicals that are used and produced in the manufacture of paints, adhesives, petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, and refrigerants. They often are compounds of fuels, solvents, hydraulic fluids, paint thinners, and dry-cleaning agents commonly used in urban settings. VOC contamination of drinking water supplies is a human-health concern because many are toxic and are known or suspected human carcinogens.” - U.S. Geological Survey, 2005  taken from
 Health Effects
People with lung disease, children, older adults, and people who are active can be affected when ozone levels are unhealthy. Numerous scientific studies have linked ground-level ozone exposure to a variety of problems, including:
  • airway irritation, coughing, and pain when taking a deep breath;
  • wheezing and breathing difficulties during exercise or outdoor activities;
  • inflammation, which is much like a sunburn on the skin; 
  • aggravation of asthma and increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses like pneumonia and bronchitis; and,
  • permanent lung damage with repeated exposures. 
  • this site give additional information on programs to reduce VOCs 
  • In the earth's lower atmosphere, ground-level ozone is considered "bad." Motor vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents as well as natural sources emit NOx and VOC that help form ozone. Ground-level ozone is the primary constituent of smog. Sunlight and hot weather cause ground-level ozone to form in harmful concentrations in the air. As a result, it is known as a summertime air pollutant. Many urban areas tend to have high levels of "bad" ozone, but even rural areas are also subject to increased ozone levels because wind carries ozone and pollutants that form it hundreds of miles away from their original sources.
  • This is a small amount of the information, there is much available, but all  seem to translate into the fact that nothing about all these chemical VOCs is good for anything or anyone. 
  • This is another quite interesting article published in 2009 some of the more interesting text
    A new source of pollution is escaping from all Bakken oil sites and regulators and operators are trying to figure out how much and what to do about it.
    Lynn Helms, director of the state's Department of Mineral Resources, said the Bakken-only situation does have serious environmental implications.
    The State Health Department and the Environmental Protection Agency are working with major Bakken producers to accurately measure how many tons of hydrocarbon called "volatile organic compounds," are being emitted, a number that easily could be into the tens of thousands of tons, if not higher.
    So from all the information given above and available, do you as a citizen of North Dakota feel like a guinea pig in an experiment as to just how much toxic chemical pollution a persons lungs can absorb before death?  Of course this study is generalized to certain areas.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sources of Arsenic

Much of my information comes from research, when this started I knew nothing about this subject, but why would the average person be concerned about arsenic. BECAUSE IT KILLS. How many deaths have already occurred by arsenic but taken as natural causes such as pneumonia, asthma, heart attack. These are the way you die of arsenic toxicity if don't know what you are dealing with. PLEASE take your health in your own hands and take a simple test that could save your life. Doctors do not test for arsenic on a regular basis, probably don't even think of this as a cause for symptoms, it will take up to 3 weeks to receive results of an arsenic urine tests, in that time pneumonia will kill you. From research, and this is a quote from  Living near sources of high ambient air levels of arsenic. Now what does this statement say? Who is safe from this?  Significant exposure to arsenic occurs through both anthropogenic and natural sources. Arsenic is released into the air by volcanoes and is a natural contaminant of some deep-water wells. Occupational exposure to arsenic is common in the smelting industry (in which arsenic is a byproduct of ores containing lead, gold, zinc, cobalt, and nickel) and is increasing in the microelectronics industry (in which gallium arsenide is responsible). Low-level arsenic exposure continues to take place in the general population (as do some cases of high-dose poisoning) through the commercial use of inorganic arsenic compounds in common products such as wood preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and paints; through the consumption of foods and the smoking of tobacco treated with arsenic-containing pesticides; and through the burning of fossil fuels in which arsenic is a contaminant.  This is taken from an other website   Few people die from arsenic because they ate or drank something, and most murders are shootings.  Please read the key words here and think about this, and save your life.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Arsenic Trioxide

The only widely available compound containing arsenic is Arsenic Trioxide. I guess when you and your family have an extreme deadly amounts of arsenic floating in your system, you become almost obsessed with all the knowledge available. Some very interesting facts about this element, in 1981 the US Environmental Protection Agency approved a five year $1.6 BILLION federal clean up program referred to as a super fund. Priority was given to hazardous waste sites. Pollution via three "pathways" AIR, GROUNDWATER  and SURFACE WATER. One of these sites was actually in North Dakota an arsenic trioxide disposal site. Now from this information you would think this stuff wouldn't be very nice to have floating around the countryside. Arsenic Trioxide reacts with water to form metal hydroxide and methane gas. Just for the fun of it do a quick search and see what it brings up. Here is an interesting article I came across a little info about some of the ingredients in chemical fracking, interesting how similar  they are to farming chemicals, and actually some of the same.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Death by Arsenic Toxicity

Would you ever  think that walking outside and breathing would kill you?  Arsenic is a very serious word no matter how you look at it, and combine it with another nice metal like Germanium and that is quite the cocktail.  I should be able to sell the rights for this story to HBO.  Now I remember Grandpa telling stories about people dying of arsenic poisoning back in the days when they used it to kill about anything annoying, but this is 2010.  Yes there are trace amounts of arsenic in about everything, soil water, food and even people, but I don't think when you get well over the 100 mark that is considered trace anymore.  Now germanium, that is an odd one, we don't have many germanium mines in North Dakota. Impossible you say, NOT, think again, we are surrounded by all types deadly toxic gases that contain both of these nice items and even more.  Now this has taken much more research than you can imagine to figure this out, germanium is not found in the free state but always in combination with other elements such as arsenic.  This link has some very good information on some of these gases. Arsenic, now this explains the strange rash, and other symptoms and my trip to the emergency room because I could not breath, it does all kinds of fun things too you.  Enough exposure can kill you right away, but it can also build up in your system and kill you. When you are inhaling this everyday, it won't take long to show effects, if you have asthma or other breathing problems, even sooner.  Now when you get to the emergency room dying of arsenic poisoning you better know that, because I guarantee no one is going to do a blood test looking for it. Enough arsenic in your system and your organs start shutting down, it is a very slow ugly death, as I have had to hold and watch more than one of my animals die this way, not knowing yet what was going on at my home.  Now they say death can make you stronger, I guess this is one of those instances because I have become very determined to live and try to keep my family, pets and livestock alive. God help the person who gets in my way of finding the cause of this, I have lost too much already.  I live each day one at a time, not sure what will happen tomorrow, it is scary when you go to bed at night, one of your last thoughts are, will I wake up in the morning?  It is a waiting game, more test results before treatment can start, but how much longer can I wait, everyday I am breathing the same air?  I have chores to go outside to do, I wonder if I will make it back to the house? I better go check, my husband has been outside too long, he should be back in by now, as he has the same toxic levels as I have.  When I go out to feed the calf in the morning will she still be alive? I wonder what calving season will bring, need to find out how to clean the cows systems also. How many cats out in the barn will be dead today? Tend to the sick dog in the house. It is an awful lot to comprehend when you are sick yourself. All I did was walk outside and breath, what is wrong with this picture?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If ignorance is bliss, we live in the most blissful state in the union

It appears that the education requirements of the people controlling this state are only to graduate from headstart. Where do you get an answer other than pass the buck. Quite honestly how can a state allow anyone who wants to come in and do what ever they want with no enforcement of regulations on activities and not expect disaster?  And who ends up paying the bills when it is over?  While land owners end up with land that is unsellable and unlivable.  Why and when would it ever be okay for a person to be forced to leave their home because of health conditions beyond their control so someone from some other state can make a million dollars.  How do you react when you get a phone call telling you to pack up and leave your home because it is killing you? Back up the bus, I didn't make the mess why am I the one who has to leave? So many questions, no answers.

Frack That Oil by Kris Kitko

Heavy Metal Testing

This is a very controversial subject, Medical Doctors frown upon it Naturalists live by it. Now I don't classify myself as anything except basic country folk, eat like my grandparents did, don't use any special concoctions of herbs, take my vitamins, and spend most of my time outdoors caring for livestock and usual country life. Now the killer part of this statement is "outdoors" who would have thought all the hours spent outside was actually killing me, my family, my livestock and my pets. Now how scary is that?  I'm not one to run to a Doctor every time I have an ache, but there are times when you know something is wrong and it is necessary to make that trip. The problem here is that normal medical tests don't always show underlying problems, Doctors just have the symptoms to treat.  I'm sure we have all been there. Why out of the blue would someone wake up one morning with a strange rash on there legs? Must have gotten into something, tired all the time, can't get rid of this annoying cough, better go in and get this checked out.  Nothing to worry about, just a dermatitis, try this salve, take some extra vitamin D, should help. 4 months later I now have this strange rash over my entire body? What is going on? Have used the same cleaners, laundry soaps, nothing different in the house.  Start reading labels, allergy tests, drive my husband nuts and myself ripping the house apart.  New furnace, central air unit, water heater, plumbing, every test kit available, thousand of dollars latter, nothing. Time to hit the internet, research, wow way too much info, many nights reading articles going to different websites, all seem to lead to one basic cause, environmental, could this be? Well one easy way to find out, Hair Toxin Test, whats $80.00 I've already spent thousands.  This was the best investment I have ever made, I cannot tell you all the info that came from this simple test.  It s a good baseline to start with, and will help show you which direction to go.  Of course Medical Doctors do have to back this up with blood and urine testing, but it helps to find what tests should be done, and to every ones surprise the outcome is amazing.  A lot of these heavy metals are cancer causing, and deadly and if found and removed from your system could prevent further problems and present problems.  As I will soon find out, this is a learning process and what I have so far learned is very scary.  Where is this coming from is the next question, and one without an easy answer. What around me has changed in the past several years?

Monday, November 15, 2010

What would it be like to live in a world with clean air

We take such things for granted, clean air and water, always thought these two things were god given, NOT. A day in ER will bring you back to reality.  This is an issue that should not be taken lightly, as I now know what it is like to not be able to breath. All the millions of people with asthma, who suffer daily, some of this could actually be avoided if we had clean air to breath.  Unknown to many are the effects of heavy metals to health. Breathing is on the top of the list. There are many informational web sites this is just one of them  You would think living in rural North Dakota, we would all enjoy healthy living, after all we don't have smog and pollution like the cities, instead we have something better, oilfield toxins to hide our clean air. How many burning flares are there in Williams Co alone? I would be curious to know. Now I would imagine some would not agree with this, as of course all the companies abide by regulations and this is monitored by the EPA. I wonder if there is any place left that is safe to live?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Health Concerns in the Williston Basin Area

Faced with some major health issues has brought me to the start of this Blogger site.  I have lived in this area for 35 years, until recently have enjoyed a happy healthy life.  Earlier this year I started experiencing some health issues that were unexplained.  Much research and many tests found some strange results that still leave me looking for answers, which makes me believe that I may not be alone, and others out there are having similar problems.  Fatigue, annoying cough that never goes away, strange rashes, shortness of breath, muscle cramps, just general feel like crap all the time.  I welcome all comments and will continue to update on a daily basis.