Monday, November 22, 2010

Biocide, Disaster when abused

Biocides have been around for years in agents such as herbicides and pesticides. Us in the rural setting have been educated on the use and safety of biocides and respect them for there importance and properties. Definition of Biocide-A chemical agent that is capable of destroying living organisms. What a powerful word, Biocide, now I do not believe when this product was first marketed it was meant to be used on human lives, but it appears that this is its use in our new industries. The American farmers and ranchers have a respect for this land like no other, we were taught from a young age the importance of living in harmony with mother nature and to care and respect what she has given us, as this is how we feed out families and put clothing on their backs. Without clean air, water and soil, GAME OVER, we have no visible means of support. We do not have the luxury of employer paid insurance, holiday,sick days, and Paycheck Friday. We are strong, self sufficient people  who feed America. Without farmers and ranchers there will be no WalMart, and McDonalds, the average Joe walking down the street has no idea as to how to grow a carrot, let alone feed them self and their family. The importance of this whole point is what is happening to our natural resources with the misuse of chemicals. Arsenic is an extremely toxic metal that poses such a significant environmental health hazard that the EPA placed it at the top of the list of 200 hazardous substances targeted by the 1990 Clean Air Act in terms of carcinogenic risk. Its historical and current uses have been primarily as a biocide.   This and so many other very dangerous and deadly chemicals are in biocides and when mixed improperly with other agents equal a recipe for destruction.

Chemicals used in oil and gas development

The chemicals used to drill for and extract oil and gas have many known health effects associated with them.
 (TEDX) explores the health effects of products and chemicals used to produce oil and natural gas. These chemicals include toxic solvents, biocides, acids and others. To date, TEDX research has uncovered more than 450 chemicals used in five Western U.S. states.  More than 90% of the chemicals have potential health effects associated with exposure to them.This link to this article is included at the bottom of this page, there is so much information on this subject.

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