Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Need YOUR Help

I have noticed that quite a few people in this area have showed interest in this information. Now I need to pass on some very important information, and PLEASE take 5 minutes of your time and act on this for everyones safety. These are facts, as I have contacted many agencies trying to get help with our air quality in the area, people are sick and getting sicker because of this issue. First, the air monitor in Williston was turned OFF on March 5, 2009 because it was not needed to monitor air. Now the Center of  Disease Control has ruled that there are SEVERE RESPIRATORY ISSUES in this area caused by our AIR QUALITY. Such things as ammonia, VOCS, and sulfurs need to be monitored. Now our head of Air Quality REFUSES to monitor air in Williston and surrounding  area, he thinks he knows more than the Doctors.  Everyone needs to take a minute to call Mr Jim Semerad, head of Air Quality in North Dakota and state concerns about this, his contact info is 701-328-5188, in Bismarck. The EPA Region 8 Toxicologist in Denver is Kristen Keteles, she is very helpful with health issues and very willing to help, her contact info is 303) 312-6039

she has had extensive dealings with these types of health issues in other areas of the country and very helpful. If everyone will act on this and pass this info on to others, maybe we can get something done so we can live in this area and not be sick or die of cancer.

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